Pay Yourself First

For every £1 that comes into your business – do you know what percentage is yours?

Having all your money in one bank account is like having your family’s clothes in one drawer … it would be very untidy and cause havoc.  But so many business owners do this.

TI Accountancy’s founder and director Tracy Irwin was the UK’s first certified Profit First Professional. This groundbreaking cash management system that’s taken the US by storm helps businesses of all sizes find the secret to predictable profitability.

Tracy now teaches businesses similar principles for UK companies, with her own product called Pay Yourself First, helping business owners understand where each penny of their pound needs to be allocated into their business, which allows them to take their profit first and organising their bank accounts to make cash flow a much simpler process.

You can choose between either one full day in your office or a series of 6 video calls to go over the principles with you and your key staff members. 

This includes:

  • An Initial Assessment to understand what percentages of each pound of your income belongs where (ie cost of sales, expenses, tax and most importantly profit).
  • The benefits of having multiple bank accounts.
  • An assessment of your business expenses together, to see if any expenses can be trimmed to minimise your overheads.
  • Monthly check in’s for 6 months to ensure you’re making the most out of the system and enforcing it as a habit.
  • A reassessment after your first year.

£ 997.00 one off payment (if Tracy is to visit your business for the day)

£ 697.00 one off payment (if done via video chat)

If you would like to listen to the podcast that Tracy did with Mike Michalowicz back in Feb 2016 then you can do here. (The play bar is underneath Corporate Partners….)

If you would like to know how Tracy uses the Profit First logic in her personal life then you can do so here.

Listen to what Physiocore owner Matt Fox has to say about how “Pay Yourself First” helped his company

This not the package you were looking for then take a look at our other packages Business Growth packageUnderstanding Your Business Numbers, Financial Directors package

  • Call Tracy on 01229 490341
  • Email on

  • If you’d rather book an appointment direct at a time that suits you CLICK HERE
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    Our Testimonials


    Professional, friendly and a pleasure to do business with.

    “The call with Tracy wasn’t really what I’d been expecting. It was so much better and useful".

    “The call with Tracy wasn’t really what I’d been expecting. It was so much better and useful. The question I needed answering specifically was ‘How much tax to save and pay the salary I want to pay myself from the business’, which she answered.

    In order to answer my initial question, Tracy asked me several other questions that gave me new ideas and insight that I didn’t expect. This included how much I charge clients and how many clients that I have, so that she could tell me how many clients and support clients I needed to get to my target salary. They were questions that I wasn’t expecting but they were very very useful.

    After the call I have now paid myself six months of my ideal salary and know how much to put aside. I now know I can afford to do this and have no worries about an unexpected tax bill.”