Understanding your Business Numbers

Ever asked yourself one of these questions:

  • How much do I need to turnover to be able to take X amount as a salary?
  • How many new clients do I need to achieve the turnover I would like?
  • What is my average lifetime value of a client?
  • How much per hour does my business cost me to trade?
  • If my sales continue to grow at what point would I need to hire more staff?

Well by looking at a few business numbers I can work this out for you …. And more!!

Sound like a good investment? 

With a detailed workable plan that goes beyond simple numbers; giving you the number of customers, the extra sales, and extra staff required, your goals become much more tangible, boosting your chance for success.

Initial year £397.00 + VAT, one off payment

(product is done via several zoom calls)

If required

Subsequent years £189.00 + VAT

This not the package you were looking for then take a look at our other packages Pay Yourself firstBusiness Growth packageFinancial Directors package.

  • Call Tracy on 01229 490341
  • Email on tracy@tiaccountancy.co.uk

  • If you’d rather book an appointment direct at a time that suits you CLICK HERE
  • Testimonials

    Eventually I have a roadmap I can follow!

    From doing the Understanding your Goals call with Tracy I got all the information I needed to set my targets and realise exactly what I need to sell. It also gave me the confidence that someone external to my business could see that the business I had planned could be viable.

    I have always been reasonably confident about knowing my numbers but felt I spent a lot of time going round in circles trying to project figures forward to see if I could achieve the goals I wanted to set for the business. There always seemed to be too many variables involved.

    Tracy was great at being very clear on what was required to get my figures in order, especially after getting all the spreadsheets and accounting information I already had. (She was also very good at keeping me on track in an efficient manner!). Everything was explained very clearly.

    Alison Davies. Carlisle Brewing Company. http://www.carlislerealale.com

    Matt Fox

    “Before doing the Understanding your Goals package with Tracy I had a very vague idea of my numbers but I knew there was more depth to it and I had been avoiding going too deeply into it.  I knew it was important to address it, but I was just aware that it was going to be quite difficult, with my level of numbers knowledge, to do on my own.

    The call gave me all the answers I need to move forward with my business and as there was opportunities to ask questions and clarify things I now feel a lot clearer about my business numbers.  I know it’s an ongoing process but I feel like I’ve accelerated my knowledge 10 fold by doing this session”.

    Matt Fox. Matt Fox Physio. https://www.physiocore.co.uk

    “The call with Tracy wasn’t really what I’d been expecting.  It was so much better and useful.  The question I needed answering specifically was ‘How much tax to save and pay the salary I want to pay myself from the business’, which she answered.

    In order to answer my initial question, Tracy asked me several other questions that gave me new ideas and insight that I didn’t expect. This included how much I charge clients and how many clients that I have, so that she could tell me how many clients and support clients I needed to get to my target salary. They were questions that I wasn’t expecting but they were very very useful.

    After the call I have now paid myself six months of my ideal salary and know how much to put aside.  I now know I can afford to do this and have no worries about an unexpected tax bill.”

    Dan Harrison WP Doctors https://www.wpdoctors.co.uk

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    Our Testimonials

    "I am so glad I switched to Tracy..."

    Having switched to Tracy after using another local accountant for 7 years, well I can say that I am so glad I did...keep up the good work :-)

    "A service second to none."

    Accessible, reliable, straight forward no-nonsense speak, and a service second to none.