Last updated on May 24, 2022

Good people really do exist.

This is one of those moments where you stop and appreciate the kindness and honesty of strangers.

When holiday maker Tom Watts lost his wallet at Luton airport he, like most, feared the worse – credit card fraud.

Instead, he had his faith in humanity restored when landing back into Luton and having his wallet returned to him intact – with no money or bank cards missing.

There was even a little note of apology;

‘I’m really sorry Tom, I picked this up thinking it was my mate’s and there was no number. Hope you enjoyed Serbia. Good luck at Uni!’

After receiving the note, Tom shared it online calling on people to find the ‘anonymous legend’ who’d sent it.

His call to action clearly struck a chord with people, and the post has been shared 56,000 times.

Such publicity actually secured success in tracking down the man behind the note, Australian Sam Fosberry.

This got me thinking, how well are your call to actions performing? Have you ever got 56,000 shares on your social media ads?

Well, because we too believe in random acts of kindness, we thought we’d share:

Call to action COMMANDS

Command 1: Define your goals You can’t begin influencing what people do until you identify exactly what it is you want from them.

Command 2: Use words to provoke emotion or enthusiasm ‘you’re gonna love this’, ‘there aren’t many people who would appreciate the value in this’

Command 3: Create a powerful hook What’s in it for them? Tie this in with your value proposition, or USP.

Command 4: FOMO Fear of missing out – This is an extremely effective motivator.

Command 5 – Use numbers when possible Consumers respond well to seeing pricing discounts, promotions, incentives, etc. It helps us to determine whether or not it’s worth splurging our cash on.

Command 6: Measure and tweak accordingly You’re probably not going to hit the ball out of the park on your first try, so don’t get discouraged.

Measuring the results of your calls to action on a regular basis can help you identify what’s working and what areas could be tweaked a little for better results. Tracking numbers, email addresses and unique discount codes – they’re invaluable to you.

Let us know how you get on. If you need more support, please give us a call here at TI Accountancy      Tel: 01229 813388.

Have a good weekend



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